




I am a volunteer at the shelter. I am motivated to help the institution. My goal is to inspire clients to achieve their dreams. You can start your own business, work towards any job of your desire, and live a purposeful life filled with happiness. I propose a method that will teach and guide the clients through their professional journey. I am an expert in digital marketing and design. By using a combination of digital information distribution and in-person meetings, we want to make a valuable connection to help them achieve their goals. I intend on creating video courses, pdfs, and website pages to ensure the clients have complete access to the information. They will also have access to my professional advice. This is not a class, but a guide to success. To create an information ecosystem I would like access to basic client information and the distribution channels of the shelter. Let us measure their accomplishments and be able to share their success to inspire others. I want to revolutionize the social stigma of a shelter by creating a system that could inspire the clients to become the heroes of society.



Stage 1 - History and Passion

I want to get to know the clients’ dreams and aspirations. What drives them? What are the things they enjoy most in life? What are their wants? What they believe is the weakest part of themselves? Even if it is waking up in the morning. We all have bad habits. Helping clients align with their true desires will give them the motivation they need to succeed. I also want to identify pain points and the hurdles that they felt held them back from success. I will show them examples of how they can prosper using the digital/technological platforms available, an on-demand job that can give them a flow of income, and ways to build their self wealth.



Building their own ecommerce business.


Preparing them for their job.


Evaluate realistic achievable Goals.


Stage 2- Get connected

Teach them how to connect with all of the resources around them, including their own families, friends, and local people they look up to. Most of all, connecting them with their social platforms, email, text, and using most of the technologies that they already use. I will also focus on their voices. They must be confident with who they are. A great exercise is to have the clients do a short video of themselves. This can eventually become content displayed online and could get more people involved, like staff and volunteers. The goal is to also build a strong community within Camba.

Digital Etiquette is very important, as well as an understanding of how to use the tools to your best benefit.

Stage 3 - GRIT

We have already identified goals. We will challenge the clients to ensure that they have the determination to be triumphant. Grit is never focused on enough in life. We can source amazing examples of grits from all the amazing staff at Camba. We will give individualized approaches, putting the pressure on the client’s expectation. For example, building an eCommerce business is all about creating content and giving your audience value over a lifetime. Your professional journey is about taking the right steps to gain the best experience.


Technicalities Permissions:

Creating a presence online for the Kensington Shelter.

Having access to email and text notification with clients.

Connecting with the clients on social media.

Identifying which medium is ideal for the client.

Measuring attendance to events.

Reviewing print and digital display material to ensure maximum engagement.

Creating a database that we can analyze client process data.